How to Negotiate for a Better Pay Raise

It’s that time of the year again, and soon, managers would be scheduling an appraisal where you’ll know how much increase you can get after a year. This year has not been easy because of the pandemic, and business owners are lucky to be still running their businesses.

It does not mean you should not try negotiating for better pay, especially if you got the ball rolling and earn your company a reasonable sum of money. In this blog, let us provide you tips on how to win the negotiation, the do’s and the don’ts in negotiating for a better raise!

  • Know Your Value: Check how much the rest of the industry pays an employee with the same experience and job description as you. You can do this by asking a Certified Resume Writer to help you update your resume. Send it to similar companies and see how much they will offer you.
  • Know How Much You Want: After checking the various possibilities and getting into the table, make sure you know how much you’re asking for.

Don’t forget about the possible perks your company can offer you from additional annual leaves, transportation allowance, working remotely or courses they can send you to. These are great backups in case your boss can’t give in to your initial salary increase request.

  • Be Firm: Don’t start with “I think I need a raise” or mention any apologies because this would only show a noticeable lack of confidence.

Avoid saying uncertain statements. Remember that you have to convince your boss about your capabilities, and you can do that by spelling the words out. “I’d like to talk about my base salary,” which is a clear and firm statement.

Act like you deserved it and that you expect a positive result from this appraisal.

  • Share your Vision: Communicate how you’re happy with your position, but it does not have to be your endpoint. List out your capabilities, how you worked beyond what’s expected of you this year, and how else you can help the company in the future; that it would only be possible if they agree on the benefits and promotion you ask.

Be honest and genuinely ask your manager what it takes to move your career and salary to the next level. Using a language your manager can understand, such as suggesting a solution for a current company problem, can also help a great deal.

  • Dress and act for the job that you want: Dressing up like a manager is not enough. You also have to act like one! But before taking more responsibilities and tasks and showing that you can do it, beware of your time management, and understand the most important Take more responsibilities but be careful not to drown yourself with so many tasks. Beware of time management and
  • Communicate Your Wins: Are you exceeding what is expected of you? Do you manage projects, tasks and responsibilities well? Do you take more than what’s allocated to you? Whatever the answers are in this question, make sure your manager knows this far in advance so when you arrive at the time of your appraisal, they don’t have to think twice.

My sub-ordinate who proactively communicate her wins to me
got a raise twice in the last six months.
I just knew she deserved it and more!

  • Rehearse! It’s easy to be nervous especially if you haven’t negotiated for a raise before. Write a script if necessary and practice with a trusted friend.

Remember the anxiety you felt during your interview and how you beat it? The good thing about negotiating for a salary this time is you’ve worked with this manager for some time now, and you already know how they’d react to certain things. Be prepared for the possible outcome and how you would respond.

  • Never Use Personal Issues: If you’re having financial problems or additional family responsibilities, mentioning it during the appraisal is unprofessional. The raise is only based on work-related issues.
  • Keep Your Cool: Don’t let emotions get you or get to a point where you compare yourself with your other colleagues. Don’t give an ultimatum. Remember that you are an adult who is asking for a reasonable raise. Take things easy, be comfortable and show your confidence when you’re talking.

Be prepared for rejection. In case they say no, try to understand why it ended that way and what could be done about it. Ask when is the next opportunity to talk about the topic. A negotiation usually takes weeks so before you go out of the room, know what the next step will be. Be prepared to follow up.

Contact a Certified Resume Writer to fully optimize your resume and build it in a way that will get you to your targeted company and targeted salary.

Salary is not the most crucial factor when you’re thinking of staying or leaving a job. But getting a raise helps keep your motivation and fires up your passion for your work, especially if you see yourself in this company in the long haul.

Whatever the outcome is, and shall you choose to stay, continue to track your accomplishments and take their feedback seriously. Continue to improve until your next appraisal.

Good luck!

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