How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile – The Complete Guide

As more people turn to LinkedIn in search of prospects and candidates for their organizations, the importance of a well written, fully optimized LinkedIn profile is more important than ever.

Aside from the fact that LinkedIn is a terrific channel for personal branding and building business presence, it can also be exceptionally useful for job search.

If you start to notice that no one is viewing your profile, then it is the right time for you to follow this complete guideline to LinkedIn optimization. (more…)

How to Write a Cover Letter in 5 Easy Steps

Before we discuss how to write a cover letter in 5 easy steps, it might be necessary for you to know how to distinguish the difference between a cover letter and a resume. While some information may appear the same in both documents, a cover letter is different from a resume. 

According to, there are three differences between a cover letter and a resume. And it would be an advantage on your side to know them so you can prepare your next cover letter properly. (more…)

What Is ATS and How to Make an ATS-Friendly Resume

You might be wondering that despite sending countless resumes to different job openings, you still haven’t heard anything from any of them. If that is the case, then it is time for you to assess the way you create your CV and start learning how to make an ATS-friendly resume.


Tips for Beating Interview Anxiety

Do you feel uneasiness before an important job interview? Well, that is normal. It should not come as a surprise that you might experience anxiety about almost everything in the procedure.

This source of nagging concern is a common thing especially for those who are about to undergo an interview. So before we proceed, it would be worthy to discuss and elaborate on what interview anxiety is.


5 Signs You Might Need a Career Change

Getting a job is a good thing because we all need a source of income to make both ends meet. However, there are times that you might realize that you should be doing something else. And more or less, this is the result of your passion. But knowing when the right time to give up on your current job is another thing, and you should take it seriously.

A clear, long-term job has plenty of benefits stored for all of us. However, life doesn’t always follow a straight path. One day, you might be surprised upon knowing that you are heading for a zigzag road ahead. This in turn would heavily affect other aspects of your life, particularly your health, relationship, and worst, your emotional well-being.


Why Is My Job Search Failing During COVID-19?

No one could have predicted that 2020 would see us faced with such an unprecedented crisis.

It is undeniable that at some point, all of us have dreamed of a break from the everyday hustle and bustle of working life. Still, no one expected that the coronavirus pandemic would deliver this most sought-after break with a terrible twist. We are spending more time in our homes, limited on travel, and suspicious of minor coughs and colds, and the situation changed in what feels like the blink of an eye.

As sad as it may be, the happening of COVID-19 not only crippled a nation but the entire world. With the coronavirus, the global economy was profoundly affected, and it is undeniable that the first casualty is the employment industry. Job searches prior to COVID-19 may already have felt like finding a needle in a haystack, but during the pandemic, the situation is far tougher, with businesses closing and redundancies increasing, there are millions of skilled individuals seeking work.


Are You Considering Changing Careers Due to the Coronavirus?

The outbreak of the coronavirus has caused high levels of uncertainty for everyone in at least some aspect of their lives. Whether it’s our health, our jobs, or the trajectory of the situation in general, we’re all craving a little more predictability in our lives than usual. Yet, for many of us, the coronavirus has brought an unexpected opportunity to examine our current situation and contemplate a career change. As people experience job insecurity and even layoffs, now is the perfect time to assess your current standing. While it can seem frightening to be considering such a major change during this time, we’ve got a step-by-step guide to help you examine your career and start making moves in a new direction if you decide you’re ready for a change, from the first question you should ask yourself to the moment you hire professional resume writing to seal the deal.


Ready to kick-start your career?

Get a professional resume that sets you apart from the crowd.

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